As the owner of J&A Exterior it is very important to know every detail about seamless gutters. When is comes to the best materials, sizing and options for your home. Customers often ask what is the difference between 5 and 6 inch gutters. Our response is always the same. A 6 inch gutter is just overall a better option. With the price cost between 5 inch vs 6 inch gutters being about 20% more we can assure it is the better option when it comes to gutter size.

The benefits of 6 inch gutter vs 5 inch gutter
- Gutter Size: 6 inch gutter is one inch wider and taller, although this may not seem like a big difference the 6 inch gutter can hold almost 50% more water than the standard 5 inch gutter. The bigger gutter also allows more water to fit inside of the gutter. Often times we see water run off the shingles and over the gutter. This eliminates that issue.
- Stronger Material Gauge: Most standard 5 inch gutters are made of a 0.27 gauge aluminum. However standard 6 inch gutter comes in a 0.32 gauge aluminum. Adding 5-10 years to your gutter systems lifespan.
- Stronger Attachment: 6 inch gutters require bigger and heftier hanger to hold the gutter to fascia. 5 inch gutters do have the same style hanger but will not give the same hold as the 6 inch gutter.
- Bigger Downspouts: All 6 inch gutters also come with bigger downspouts used to drain your water from the gutter. 6 inch gutters are installed with 3×4 downspouts, while 5 inch gutters use a standard 2×3 downspout. The bigger downspout allows more water to get out of the gutter at a quicker rate
- Less maintenance: Installing a bigger sized gutter with bigger downspouts and a stronger material slows down the maintenance on your gutters. The bigger gutter allows more debris to flow through the gutter instead of getting stuck. when the debris reached the downspout is also has an easier time draining with debris due to the bigger outlet and downspout. The stronger material also saves you time and money on repairing your system.

5 Inch gutter benefits:
There is not to many benefits of installing a 5 inch gutter, but there is a few reasons why customers still choose the 5 inch option. The only reason being the price point. We know it may not be in some peoples budget to install new gutters, but when you finally do make the decision to move forward they don’t want to spend the extra 20%. Although we explain its a long-term investment for your property, we understand its not everyone’s budget. Other than the price point there isn’t to many other benefits of 5 inch gutter.
Gutter Size Depending on Climate:
As a company based out of Macomb Michigan we only work in Michigan’s climates. Areas that receive a lot of rain such as Florida, Washington, Michigan and so on should definitely consider a bigger gutter such as a 6 inch. Companies downspout often install 7 inch or bigger to homes and commercial buildings because of the high frequency of rain. People located in lets say Texas, Arizona, Wyoming Ect. We would not suggest a bigger gutter as much because the weather does not permit in those types of climates. Overall if you get a lot of rain consider a 6 inch gutter.
Our Experience with 6 Inch Gutter:
For the past 2 years we have been strongly suggesting all of our customers to install 6 inch gutters on their property vs the standard 5 inch. However we still offer both sizes in gutters so our customers have options to choose from. At J&A Exterior, we do not charge any extra for 6 inch gutters for labor. Our technicians prefer to work with the 6 inch gutter because its a stronger aluminum and easier to work with when it comes to installing but other than that we leave it up to the customer, We don’t want to sell you on anything that does not fit your current needs. With the 6 inch offering better solutions for our customers we obviously try and inform then as much as possible and explain the benefits if the 6 inch gutter but we never try force you into buying as we do not profit off the bigger size.

Conclusion 5 inch vs 6 inch gutters:
At J&A Exterior we always want what’s best for your home. With years of experience in the gutter industry we feel our knowledge is turnkey. We will always suggest the best option for you and in this case, the 6 inch gutter is the better option. With no extra charge in labor and just 20% more in material its a no brainer to not try and suggest this system to our customer. We want your gutter system to last as long as possible, saving you money and time. Going with the 6 inch gutter will almost guarantee you save money in the long run especially in Michigan’s weather conditions. We will continue to educate and inform as many people as possible about the best solutions for their home and gutter system, knowing the difference of 5 inch gutters vs 6 inch gutters is the number one thing to know when it comes to gutters.
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