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Choosing the right gutter size for your home isn’t just a technical decision—it’s a personal one. Hi there, I’m Jacob, the owner of J&A Exterior. I’ve spent years ensuring that homes like yours have the best possible gutter installs. Today, I’m here to guide you through selecting the ideal gutter size that not only fits your home, but also handles our unique Michigan weather.

Gutter Size Matters!

The size of your gutters plays a crucial role in protecting your home from water damage. In Michigan, we face a variety of weather conditions, from heavy snow in the winter to sudden downpours in the spring. If your gutters are too small, they won’t handle large volumes of water efficiently, leading to overflows and potentially, water damage to your foundation and landscaping.

Learning More About Gutter Sizes!

What Size Gutters Should I get? Most residential homes in Metro Detroit are equipped with either 5-inch or 6-inch gutters. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • 5-inch gutters are typically sufficient for most moderate-sized homes. They can handle average rainfall and are aesthetically pleasing on smaller rooflines.
  • 6-inch gutters are better suited for larger homes or areas with heavy rainfall. They can handle approximately 50% more water than 5-inch gutters, making them ideal for homes with steep roofs or large surface areas that collect more rainwater.

What Size Gutter Should I get? Considerations for Michigan Homeowners!

  1. Roof Size and Pitch: The larger and steeper your roof, the more rainwater it will collect. Homes with expansive roof areas or significant pitches often require 6-inch gutters.
  2. Local Rainfall: Metro Detroit can experience intense storms. If you live in an area prone to heavy rainfall, upgrading to 6-inch gutters might be a wise investment.
  3. Aesthetic and Architectural Style: While functionality is key, the look of the gutters should complement your home. Wider gutters can appear bulky on smaller homes, so it’s essential to strike a balance between necessity and design.

Personal Advice from Experience!

Over the years, I’ve seen many homeowners in Metro Detroit opt for smaller gutters, trying to save on costs, only to face bigger expenses due to water damage. My advice? Invest in the right size from the start. It might cost a bit more initially, but it saves both money and time in the long run. During our free consultation at J&A Exterior, we discuss your home’s specific needs to recommend the best gutter size that offers protection for your home!

Wrapping it up!

Choosing the right gutter size isn’t just about measurements; it’s about understanding your home’s needs and how best to protect it. At J&A Exterior, we’re committed to helping you make the best choice for your home. If you need anymore assistance or haver any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out.


J&A Exterior!

248-403-0281 –

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